Monday, January 4, 2016

Bowling Blessing

On New Year's Day, we were blessed with being invited by SH to go bowling with the kids.  It was a pretty easy outing... everyone had fun, strikes were scored, and stories were shared.

However, it was at the end of the event that I spotted God in one of the boys.  Each group of bowlers were given a huge bag of popcorn to share....and as you know, when popcorn is served it usually ends up everywhere besides your mouth.  As we were waiting for the last group to finish their games, one of the boys noticed the bowling alley workers coming over to clean up.  He then looked down and saw all the popcorn.  He walked up to the worker, took the broom and dust pan out of her hand, and proceeded to clean all eight lanes we had occupied.  Another kid saw him working and came over to help.  My husband and kids also joined in the cleaning.

It was a small act, but it did not go unnoticed. God works in all ways big and small.  This boy was able to bless the worker,  and in doing so, showed his appreciation and humility.  I am thankful for him and I am thankful God gave me eyes to see him.

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