Monday, January 4, 2016

Ice Skating Parable

Over Christmas break we took the kids at SH ice skating.  This was a first time experience for many of the kids and it was amazing to watch.  Some went around the rink gripping the side with terror in their eyes, while others took to it naturally and sprinted around the rest of us like pros.  One boy, who was easily three times larger than Ryan, shakily went around the rink holding on to Ryan's hand with a death grip.

Seeing all the kids react to the same situation differently reminded me of the sower of seeds parable in the Bible.

Some of the kids came to the rink, knowing the ice existed and that they had full access to it, but did not have any interest in joining in the activity.

Other kids came to the rink, put on skates, and gave it a try...but when they realized it was difficult, or they fell and got hurt or wet, they easily gave up because they did not want to put in the work, or be judged by others for not being instantly good.

Other kids came to the rink, put on skates and persevered.....even though they sucked at it, even though they were soaking wet from falling so many times, even though others (who had already given up) on the sidelines were making fun of them....they kept trying.

And still others, came to the rink, put on skates and instantly took to the activity.  They were naturally blessed with a skill and embraced it.

Very few of us fall into the last category when it comes to following God...if you are one of them, thank God right now.  Many of us fall into one of the other three categories.

How we react to everyday situations says a lot about how we react to God.  He is in everything we do.  How are you responding to Him today?

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